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Forward to February

I’m learning that it’s a popular thing in the fitness blogging world at the end of one month to evaluate your performance from that month and set goals for the next, like a favorite blog of mine does regularly.  I’m not one to automatically follow the crowd (hello, still not on Facebook and I just joined Twitter two weeks ago), but I like this idea.  I think it will really help me to assess how I’m doing in my training, or even life in general, and determine if there are any changes that I need to make and think of new ways to challenge myself, which I always enjoy.

So I’m jumping on the band wagon. I wasn’t sure at first, but the more I thought about it, the more goals started flooding my brain. I took that as a sign to do it.

January Recap

Miles ran: 71- pretty good considering all my weird work schedules.  Plus I ran 68 in December, so barely a jump.  I think it’s a solid base and hopefully will minimize injury.

Yoga classes: 9- this is HUGE.  One of my New Year’s goals was to integrate more yoga into my weekly routine, which with the advent of Morning Power Hour at Pure Prana, I’ve been able to do.  I’m really pleased here.

Strength training: 9 sessions- decent.  Again, the weird schedule threw me off course for a week and a half.  And a couple of my sessions have been less than stellar due to work schedules interfering.  But overall, I’m satisfied.

Dog walks– not enough! Unless it’s most days, it’s not enough.

February Targets

One five mile weekday run- none of my weekday miles have hit that five mile mark yet.  One was close at 4.77, but as my dad would say, close only counts in horseshoes.  I think I need to up the ante a bit to develop better endurance for the Rock ‘n’ Roll half (one more month!).

Yoga after my long run– I really think this would speed along the recovery process if I did a weekend practice in addition to my two morning routine.  Each week I’ve been trying to get to a weekend class but just don’t.  On the other hand, it also might be good to just have a day of absolute nothing.  I’ll aim to try this out once or twice and see what works better

Do a group run– most likely the Pacers Fun Runs, but any if others are recommended to me.  I really do want to meet more runners in the area, at the very least to know someone at races.  I really enjoy my long runs alone though, so it’s a constant battle.  But I need to be more social I think!

Read more– Fitness for the mind.  This is a perpetual goal for me, and I’ve had some success since law school ended.  However if I’m being honest, I really only pull out the Kindle on the metro and for maybe 10 minutes before bed . I’d really like to do better than that. I think part of my problem is that I’m not loving my book right now- it’s good enough to finish, but I’m not dying to find out what happens next.  I was on a big Civil War kick, and read fabulous biographies of Lincoln and Henry Clay, so maybe I need to go back in that direction.  I’m open to recommendations! I tend to prefer American history and non-ficton, but I’m willing to expand my horizons.

I think that’s enough for a short month.  Anyone else have similar ones? Any tips to help me achieve these?

2 responses »

  1. Looks like a strong month’s training! I’ve got a half in 5 weeks (my first), and I’m glad my training looks similar to yours! Comforting. 🙂

    • We’re in this together, it’s also my first! I think it’s important to just take it slow and finish it at this point instead of worrying about pace and all, so I’m really trying to focus on building a solid, strong foundation. Good luck on your race, I’d love to hear how you do!


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